Starting at only
$1/moWhether you're an independent artist, entrepreneur, or large corporation - website monitoring is essential to know the income keeps on rolling.
Get $10 in credit instantly
Monitoring by IP works, too.
We'll notify you of issues.
Starting at
$1 per monthThat's up to you! A standard account will check as often as every 5 minutes, and an advanced account can check as often every 60 seconds. Hosts in an offline state are checked every 60 seconds until recovered.
[Coming Soon] We support MariaDB 10.3+, MySQL 5.7+, or PostgreSQL 10.0+. You provide a username, password, and database - We'll connect to it once per minute and notify you if there's an issue.
[Coming Soon] We'll connect to your websites IMAP, POP3, or SMTP server to check for a response. We do not need a username or password - We're just looking for service presence. We do not recommend monitoring enterprise services such as Microsoft Office 365 or Google Workspace.
We check your websites SSL certificate when you first register an account. We re-check the SSL certificate hourly to check for changes that might lead to your website having an invalid SSL certificate installation.
We check your A record, AAAA record, NS records, and MX records. We watch them for changes by checking hourly and notify you when a change is made that can negatively affect your website.